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a. seductive or alluring alt. seductive or alluring n. 1 An act intended to attract sexual interest. 2 (context Ireland English) A persuasive attitude; a binding spell

Usage examples of "come-hither".

Summonings and love spells and come-hithers, everybody can do it a little, just like everybody can throw a ball and sometimes make a basket, but some people can do it better than others.

You have your way of thinking, but you can’t tell her that come-hithers and herbs and incantations got no power, because she’s seen some things herself that you can’t just explain away.

No conjures, no come-hithers, no fendings, no wardings, none of that stuff.

Oddly enough, she was in demand for two kinds of television commercials: those that required a sexy, come-hither chickee to peer at the home audience and solicit men for cigars, beer and sportscars-and those that needed a stunning but innocent ingenue to push makeups, soda pop, junior fashions and shampoo.

Rhyssa murmured, projecting an image of a sly grin and a come-hither expression directed at an amorphous shadow.