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come unstuck

vb. (context idiomatic British English) To get into trouble, to have an accident or mishap, to go off the rails.

Usage examples of "come unstuck".

The passenger gene had come unstuck and attached itself to a section of an inverted repeat sequence on the wrong strand of the heteroduplex he had created that morning.

In- other words the reports we've been sending in have given them a nasty turn and they're frightened the talks are going to come unstuck.

Sometimes they try and shove a between-mission executive straight into a middle-phase or an end-phase assignment that's come unstuck and we all squeal like hell but never refuse it because we can hear the sound of distant bugles and we want to get in there where the bloodied banners are reeling through the fray.

When I think about Johann and Eunice-both dead, really-getting together in Joan to make a baby, I come unstuck and want to cry.

If I come unstuck, you're not going to lose the mission, just the executive.