vb. To result from.
Usage examples of "come of".
But from your aura, I have no doubt you will excel in this training, and who knows what good may come of it.
Though I come of a hardy line that is noted for the sanity of its constitution, my faculties had been woefully shaken by the horror of the happening with which that acquaintance ended.
That night had the news come of Daikos' fall, and of the advance of the Inutos.
Good could never come of such evil, a happier end was not in nature to so unhappy a beginning.
Bankruptcy must inevitably have come of this young pagan, in Lombard Street, London, and also of a curtained alcove in the rear of the immortal boy, and also of a looking-glass let into the wall, and also of clerks not at all old, who danced in public on the slightest provocation.
These magic books and the poetic scrawl were forthwith consigned to the flames by Hans Van Ripper, who from that time forward determined to send his children no more to school, observing that he never knew any good come of this same reading and writing.
This commander now, she would bear tales, nothing good could come of it.
I hope that ultimately some good will come of this, in the form of better rewards and recognition for sf writers.
And for that matter, when you come right down to it, maybe some good will actually come of Pierre’.
And for that matter, when you come right down to it, maybe some good will actually come of Pierre's damned 'Committee' someday.
In fact, many citizens are greatly horrified by this action, and go around saying no good will come of it.
Then Miss Watson she took me in the closet and prayed, but nothing come of it.
Blifil, who, besides that he is come of honest parents, and will be one of the greatest squires all hereabouts, he is to be sure, in my poor opinion, a more handsomer and a more politer man by half.
Nasi was hoping for something to come of his contact with Mazzare on that account.
Word had come of the abduction of Thuvia of Ptarth from her father's court, and with it the veiled hint that the Prince of Helium might be suspected of considerable knowledge of the act and the whereabouts of the princess.