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come into being

vb. (context idiomatic English) To form; to start to exist.

come into being

v. be born or come into existence; "All these flowers come to life when the rains come" [syn: come to life]

Usage examples of "come into being".

And as soon as they come into being, the old Powers come to challenge them, to test them and see where they fit into the overall pattern?

I could have married your father and kept my office, but I could never have given him the attention he deserved, and you would not have come into being.

It was surging with sunlight, and in it the city looked like something brand-new, that had just come into being.

Nor could anyone say with any substantial probability where the damned machines had originated, though the captured records, sketchy as they were, offered a tersely convincing explanation of how they had come into being.

Indeed, I scarcely thought such a system would ever come into being on this Earth, much less that I should live to see it, and not at all that I should be placed in charge of that which I proposed half in jest.

When the moon came up and its light fell upon the stone at which I rested, the stairway in the sky would come into being, sweeping upward to a great height, taking its way to Tir-na Nog'th, the image of Amber that rode the night's middle air.

When the moon came up and its light fell upon the stone at which I rested, the stairway in the sky would come into being, sweeping upward to a great height, taking its way to Tir-na Nog’.

A queerly mischievous, chuckling gurgle came from the empty air beside him, and it seemed to Penton that a sort of vertical heat wave in the air danced down the street, to vanish as suddenly as it had come into being.

If you are going to say that, you will then have to say that it is not only through God that right and wrong come into being, but that they are in their essence logically anterior to God.

They had arranged for this state of affairs to come into being in order to open the way for Bleys's accession to the throne.

They had arranged for this state of affairs to come into being in order to open the way for Bleys’.