n. 1 (plural of combination English) 2 A type of cotton underwear for men, being a combination of a vest and trousers
Combinations is the second full-length album by the band Eisley. It was released on August 14, 2007.
The first single for Combinations was " Invasion". Two music videos were intended to be shot for the single. One was a " viral video" for YouTube and iTunes and another was rumored to be made for MTV and other media outlet, but due to assumed conflict with their label and confusion on how to market the band, only one video was made. Invasion wasn't pushed to radio and was the only "single" for the album. A video for Many Funerals that was shot by Israel Anthem was spoken about around the time of the band's acoustic tour in 2007, but never surfaced.
A special edition CD/DVD includes eight songs from the band’s Ventura, CA, concert, the Memories video and a 30-minute The Making Of Combinations video piece. The cover art is coloured blue instead of yellow. A vinyl release was expected as the band was recording, but one never came to be. The band is now working on getting it released on vinyl in a combo pack with Room Noises (which only got pressed for 1000 vinyl copies originally).
Combinations debuted in the Billboard 100 with first week sales of 9,300.
Usage examples of "combinations".
A music robot of random combinations of sound, harmonic colours and shades that flitted agilely.
The pocket boards turn up combinations by which any variety of decision can be made.
In LotR Appendix E, Tolkien refers to "the combinations ts, ps, ks (x), that were favoured in Quenya".
Besides final ë, we shall use the diaeresis to clarify the pronunciation of the combinations ea, eo and oe (sc.
In the combinations ar, or, many speakers of English have a tendency to lengthen the vowel even where it should be short (and many would also let the r drop out, especially when it is followed by another consonant).
Diphthongs: In addition to the "basic", unitary vowel-sounds discussed above (what linguists would call the monophthongs), we have the diphthongs combinations of two basic vowels that are run together into one syllable, in many ways behaving like a unitary vowel for the purpose of word-building: The Quenya diphthongs are ai, au, eu, iu, oi, and ui.
Primitive Elvish apparently did not have such combinations, at least not in the middle of words: Tolkien had Fëanor concluding that "our fathers.
The most frequent combinations of vowels in hiatus are ea, eo, ie, io, oa.
As noted above, some combinations should apparently be thought of as single consonants: qu (for cw/kw) represents labialized k, not k + w.
A few other words including the combinations in question: Elenya (first day of the Eldarin six-day week, accented "ElENya"), Calacirya or Calacilya (a place in the Blessed Realm, accented "CalaCIrya", "CalaCIlya").
The combinations hl and hr originally represented unvoiced l, r, but by the Third Age, these sounds had come to be pronounced like normal l and r.
In many cases, the stem-form echoes the older shape of words (sounds or combinations that could not survive at the end of a word being preserved where not final), though the stem-form may also represent a contraction.
We are left with hundreds of possible combinations, but since they are just that combinations the endings involved are not nearly as numerous, and the load on the student's memory is not so great after all.
MORE ABOUT POSSESSIVE PRONOMINAL ENDINGS (plus a slightly digressive inquiry into the true nature of the combinations ly, ny, ry, ty) In the previous lesson we introduced a series of possessive pronominal endings that can be added to nouns: -nya "my", -lya "your", -lva "our" (incl.
We touched on these problems already in Lesson One, but a new inquiry may be in place here, since the combinations in -y (like ry, ly, ny, ty) occur in several of the possessive pronominal endings.