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combat boots

n. (combat boot English)

Usage examples of "combat boots".

ImpSec should be making that near-murderer shake in his combat boots.

They sounded like a regiment, their heavy combat boots banging on the hangar floor, shatter­.

Officers and ranking civilians'll be drinking a distilled, fruit liqueur that packs more of a punch but smells like socks after a month in combat boots and will build up toxins in both Human and di'Taykan.

The water had filled the cabin almost to the tops of her combat boots.

Ross followed the others aboard, combat boots rattling on the ramp grating.

In the last three or four seconds of semiconsciousness, I saw black feet, combat boots, a fallen Swiss Guardsman's cap, more feet.

It's not the tromp, tromp of combat boots, but the whack, whack of sensible shoes worn by sensible women: local volunteers.

Reflecting on her own state, dirty hair and stripped down to combat boots, BDU pants, and T-shirt, Kozak could only reflect how officers' wives, regardless of what the circumstances, always took great pains to maintain that look and air of dignity.

Over the nerve-disruptor net covering his feet he pulled thick socks, then Naismith's combat boots.

There you were, with your Ichocolate chip' battle-dress uniform, beret, desert combat boots, still with your web gear on like you were getting ready to go into battle again.

I wore standard combat boots, jungle fatigues, heavy gloves, and a cap with mosquito netting that tied around my neck, so that no part of me was open to the bugs.

Geoff took from the bag a set of fatigues, his field jacket, and a pair of combat boots, and hung them in the wall locker.