The term color organ refers to a tradition of mechanical (18th century), then electromechanical, devices built to represent sound or to accompany music in a visual medium—by any number of means. In the early 20th century, a silent color organ tradition (Lumia) developed. In the 1960s and '70s, the term "color organ" became popularly associated with electronic devices that responded to their music inputs with light shows. The term " light organ" is increasingly being used for these devices; allowing "color organ" to reassume its original meaning.
Usage examples of "color organ".
Standing there with his sugar candy on his neck, he sounded the color organ, rising to a roar, descending to a whisper, from watery blue to cold-glazed lemon yellow to brownish purple.
Scriabin, who had conceived a color organ and tried to translate mysticism into music and died of a peculiar lip infection.