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color chart

n. a chart displaying colors

Color chart

A color chart or color reference card is a flat, physical object that has many different color samples present. They can be available as a one-page chart, or in the form of swatchbooks or color-matching fans.

Typically there are two different types of color charts:

  • Color reference charts are intended for color comparisons and measurements. Typical tasks for such charts are checking the color reproduction of an imaging system, aiding in color management or visually determining the hue of color. Examples are the IT8 and ColorChecker charts.
  • Color selection charts present a palette of available colors to aid the selection of spot colors, process colors, paints, pens, crayons, and so on – usually the colors are from a manufacturers product range. Examples are the Pantone and RAL systems.

Usage examples of "color chart".

Sax called up a large color chart he had found long before to help him see the colors of the sky.

Behind him a four-color chart showed the position of the Earth, the Moon and the alien spacecraft.

Burl picked up one of the books from the ship's library and started to thumb through it to locate a color chart of the planet.

Hawley had excellent taste, and the foresight to bring along a wallet hologram of her young man so that we could program a color chart for him.

One time Fat studied a color chart, a chart of the visible spectrum.

Without trying to figure out the enemy color chart, I can tell you what that means.

Chandra thought that would be like using a Rembrandt as a color chart.

The ordinary sky at the equator in spring changed color day by day, it took a color chart even to approximate the tone colors.