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alt. 1 (label en British spelling transitive) To settle (somewhere) with (l en colonists). 2 (context transitive English) To settle (a species, group of people, or the like) in a new place as a colony. 3 (context intransitive English) To begin a new colony. vb. 1 (label en British spelling transitive) To settle (somewhere) with (l en colonists). 2 (context transitive English) To settle (a species, group of people, or the like) in a new place as a colony. 3 (context intransitive English) To begin a new colony.

  1. v. settle as a colony; of countries in the developing world; "Europeans colonized Africa in the 17th century" [syn: colonize] [ant: decolonize, decolonize]

  2. settle as colonists or establish a colony (in); "The British colonized the East Coast" [syn: colonize]

Usage examples of "colonise".

When a three-man team landed on an unexplored planet like Kakakakaxo, they had to categorise its possible dangers and determine exactly the nature of the opposition any superior species might offer to colonising man.

But it was a Shaara ship that made the first landing, so it was colonised by the Shaara, as was Brooum, a very similar world.

It was strange, but no matter what system was set up to run a newly colonised planet, some elite always developed which took for itself advantages that the average citizen could not access.

The Phoenicians and the Greeks, with unremembered drifts behind them, colonised the Mediterranean.

American forms, and it is obvious that a mountain, as it became slowly upheaved, would naturally be colonised from the surrounding lowlands.

The Sh'im had colonised three different star systems, one quite far from the home world, which proved they had been space-faring for a significant period of time.

Maybe the real impetus for them to colonise is that their sun's old and dying.

At Nimisha's suggestion, Helm had glossed over human pre-space history and emphasised the space exploration and colonising as more palatable to a species that had never indulged in wars and massacres.

Alive, well, and, with the survivors of the Poolbeg, colonising Erehwon.

From a space-faring, colonising species, so we have not compromised their evolution.

You just had to do nothing, keep still and allow the insidious numbness to colonise your limbs.

Whether a bankrupt gentleman sailing to colonise Virginia or a lean Cantonese contracting to labour on the sugar plantations of Hawaii, in each case, gentleman and coolie, it is a desperate attempt to get something to eat, to get more to eat than he can get at home.

His views upon the all-important question of colonising the unoccupied lands of the Dominion seemed to be wise and far-sighted.

That help once offered, by guarantee or by grant, private enterprise would flock to the undertaking, and people would go to colonise on the broad tracts laid open to their industry.

Out of these fusions arose the Puget Sound Company, created to utilise, cultivate, and colonise the Pacific territories, over which licenses to trade had been given to the Hudson's Bay Company.