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The Collaborative International Dictionary

collectivize \col*lec"tiv*ize\ v. t. to bring under collective control; to organize for operation by the principles of collectivism; -- especially of farms and industrial enterprises.

Syn: collectivise.


alt. To organize a farm or industrial enterprise on the basis of collective control vb. To organize a farm or industrial enterprise on the basis of collective control


v. bring under collective control; of farms and industrial enterprises [syn: collectivise]

Usage examples of "collectivize".

It is estimated that Stalin killed ten million peasants in his drive to collectivize the farms of Russia.

If, according to collectivist caricatures, the greedy rich indulged in profligate ma­terial luxury, on the premise of “price no object”—then the social progress brought by today’s collectivized mentalities consists of indulging in altruistic political planning, on the premise of “human lives no object.

And it is at this point that the mental processes of a collectivized brain are cut off.

Observe the significant fact that that assumption is tacit: even the most collectivized mentalities seem to sense the impossibility of justifying it morally.

His disdain for the law of contradiction permits him to announce that true individualism is possible only in the collectivized community—that true freedom is possible only when production is taken out of the hands of private individuals and placed under the absolute control of the group—that men will cease to be objects of "use" by others, only when they are willing to renounce personal profit and make social usefulness the goal of their lives.

On being introduced to the Eldest, he'd experienced a brief surge of renewed fervor—somewhat like the "Christmas spirit" usually felt at that time of year by the most apathetic Christian—at encountering a collectivized mass-being.

I believe -- it may be no more than a pious hope -- that though a collectivized economy is bound to come, those countries will know how to evolve a form of Socialism which is not totalitarian, in which freedom of thought can survive the disappearance of economic individualism.

Most of this was privately held, before the land-snatch programs confiscated and collectivized it.

Just as the parasites around me were proclaiming their helpless dependence on my mind and were expecting me voluntarily to accept a slavery they had no power to enforce, just as they were counting on my self-immolation to provide them with the means of their plan—so throughout the world and throughout men's history, in every version and form, from the extortions of loafing relatives to the atrocities of collectivized countries, it is the good, the able, the men of reason, who act as their own destroyers, who transfuse to evil the blood of their virtue and let evil transmit to them the poison of destruction, thus gaining for evil the power of survival, and for their own values—the impotence of death.

Just as the parasites around me were proclaiming their helpless dependence on my mind and were expecting me voluntarily to accept a slavery they had no power to enforce, just as they were counting on my self-immolation to provide them with the means of their plan—so throughout the world and throughout men’s history, in every version and form, from the extortions of loafing relatives to the atrocities of collectivized countries, it is the good, the able, the men of reason, who act as their own destroyers, who transfuse to evil the blood of their virtue and let evil transmit to them the poison of destruction, thus gaining for evil the power of survival, and for their own values—the impotence of death.

But Fidel stayed firmly on his course of secretly collectivizing society.

His disdain for the law of contradiction permits him to announce that true individualism is possible only in the collectivized community—.