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n. (plural of collectivist English)

Usage examples of "collectivists".

It is man's independence, success, prosperity, and happiness that collectivists wish to destroy.

The collectivists dropped them, because they had no right to carry them.

For years, the collectivists have been propagating the notion that a private individual's refusal to finance an opponent is a violation of the opponent's right of free speech and an act of "censorship.

For years, the collectivists have been propagating the notion that a private individual’s refusal to finance an opponent is a violation of the opponent’s right of free speech and an act of “censorship.

Like the altruist morality from which it is derived, this doctrine rests on mysticism: either on the old-fashioned mysticism of faith in supernatural edicts, like “The Divine Right of Kings”—or on the social mystique of modern collectivists who see society as a super-organism, as some supernatural entity apart from and superior to the sum of its individual members.

Al­truists and collectivists have an obvious vested interest in persuading men that such is the meaning of individualism, that the man who refuses to be sacrificed intends to sacrifice others.

By all rights, he ought to have gotten along with the newly arrived humans—professed altruists and collectivists that they were—but by nature, they were no more creatures of the flock than he was an individualist.

The UN collectivists had their counterparts, advocates of a parallel variety of collectivism, mostly among American academics, including those practicing archaeology, a field obscure enough that they could get away with practically anything they wished, long before anyone outside the field even took notice.

The collectivists were unable to understand to what secret movement of fate they were indebted for this new prosperity.

Their public policy consists of appeasing their worst enemies, placating their most contemptible attackers, trying to make terms with their own destroyers, pouring money into the support of leftist publications and “liberal” politicians, placing avowed collectivists in charge of their public relations and then voicing—in banquet speeches and full-page ads—socialistic protestations that selfless service to society is their only goal, and altruistic apologies for the fact that they still keep two or three percent of profit out of their multi-million-dollar enterprises.

Afrikaners versus Blacks, Arabs versus Jews, Frenchmen versus Britishers, collectivists versus capitalists: every overtone of contempt is being heard now, every nuance of disgust is coming through.

My people are collectivists, and so I cannot deal with emergencies as Captain Cruz did.

I simply remarked that considering how morons and collectivists breed, DNA like yours and Bill's oughtn't be flushed down the toilet.

I simply remarked that considering how morons and collectivists breed, DNA like yours and Bill’s oughtn’t be flushed down the toilet.