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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Collaret \Col`lar*et"\, ||Collarette \Col`la*rette"\, n. [F. collerette, dim. of collier. See Collar.] A small collar; specif., a woman's collar of lace, fur, or other fancy material.


n. 1 A small collar, especially as a kind of necklace of lace, fur etc. for women; a ruff 2 A type of dahlia having a small collar of short inner petals. 3 The jagged circle in the mid-diameter of the iris, separating the darker shade of the iris from the lighter shade of the iris. 4 Rim of loosened keratin surrounding a skin lesion.

Usage examples of "collarette".

The ends of her tulle collarette had been carefully disordered and a big bunch of red flowers was pinned in her bosom stems upwards.