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Crossword clues for collarbone

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ My son Nayib broke his collarbone and Emilio broke a rib and dislocated his shoulder.
▪ Buccaneers: Tampa Bay punter Tommy Barnhardt will be out eight weeks with a broken right collarbone.
▪ A shell tore through his back, shattering his shoulder and collarbone and biting into his spine.
▪ Apart from a 10% collapsed lung, Lester broke two ribs and his left collarbone.
▪ As time passed, the collarbone also shrank in size, hinting at the development of a free-swinging shoulder.
▪ Buccaneers: Tampa Bay punter Tommy Barnhardt will be out eight weeks with a broken right collarbone.
▪ His collarbone ached, and he dug at it with his good arm, massaging the stiffness with his fingers.
▪ I had never seen that one before either, nor the one I suddenly discovered on my collarbone.
▪ She massaged her collarbone gingerly and tried to calm her ragged breathing.
▪ Something about his smarmy attitude makes me want to shake him so hard his collarbone breaks.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

collarbone \collarbone\, Collar bone \Col"lar bone`\ (Anat.) The clavicle, a bone linking the scapula and sternum.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1500, from collar (n.) + bone (n.).


n. The bone joining the shoulder and the breastbone.


n. bone linking the scapula and sternum [syn: clavicle]

Collarbone (band)

Collarbone is a rock band from Helsinki, Finland, founded in 2000. Influences from alternative rock and hard rock can be heard in the group's music. The band has released two full-length albums.

Usage examples of "collarbone".

Reaching out, he drew a finger along the delicate line of her collarbone, setting her nerves atingle with the pleasure of his touch.

The axletree lying nearby had crushed the skull and broken the left collarbone as well as several of the upper ribs.

Did the ghosts of Levantine girls haunt those cursory checkups, suggested by the fragility of my collarbone, or the birdcall of my small, congested lungs?

Above the low neck of her calico blouse he could see the points of her collarbone, the beginnings of crepy wrinkles in her neck, and the sight of it went to his heart.

The sight of these bearded peasants at work on the battlefield, with their queer, clumsy boots and perspiring necks, and their shirts opening from the left toward the middle, unfastened, exposing their sunburned collarbones, impressed Pierre more strongly with the solemnity and importance of the moment than anything he had yet seen or heard.

She moved slowly and carefully, but X-rays said she had only an enormous bruise on her shoulder from a slingstone, not a broken collarbone.

I went out on the second day to look at my horse, slipped on a stone, broke my collarbone, and thereafter underwent not the snow test, but the test of flat-on-the-back.

Boldly, as though parched and drinking, her eyes traveled over the wiredrawn, flowing lines of his silhouette, the honed planes of his face, stern and laughing at the same time, full of strength, the jaw-line faintly shadowed with a dark tint, the arch of his throat interrupted by the subtle shadow of the round tumescence midway, and the hollow at the confluence of the collarbone.

Hester made poultices for the broken ribs and collarbone, and placed them gently on the injuries.

In doing so, I apparently rebroke my collarbone and passed out from the pain.

Three thudded wetly into flesh: two into Mosquito and one into Gnat, just above his collarbone.

Arrhae sprawled on the ground, gasping with the pain of a collarbone that had snapped like a stick when Naraht's fast-moving bulk had slammed into her braced shooting-arm.

The tiny silver buttons that went from her collarbones to her thighs sparkled like raindrops in the muted light from the living room.

The attendant helped him with the seat back, extracted the ends of the safety belt from his seat — and would have snapped it for him: being casted from his collarbone to his knuckles and taped about the chest didn't make bending or reaching easier.

Eyes closing, I sent my fingers into his hair, clenching as his kiss shifted, moving to the very edge of my collarbone where my scar started.