Collanos Workplace is a proprietary teamwork software that ceased development in 2010.
Installed on each team member’s computer, it builds a team environment and transparent knowledge store that allows to define and organize the content of project teams ( Workspaces). For teams it supports their structured data, such as tasks and notes, and unstructured data, such as files.
Like that Collanos provides users with a possibility to get a unified collaboration peer allowing team members on the internet to bring virtually all collaborative services, shared content and all correspondences in one place without requiring a server environment and storing data only with team members.
Workspaces automatically and transparently synchronize amongst team members’ computers when online. The workspace integrates with existing communication channels and with external web content. Because the technology relies on a P2P network, workspaces are available both online and offline, no server or additional IT infrastructure is required for a team. Finally, a presence management service lets users see at any given time who of their team mates are online and if they are present in specific workspaces.
Collanos is supported on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
A combined peer-to-peer (P2P) and web-based architecture forms the technological foundation and differentiation of the Collanos solution. The company has developed a proprietary technology stack, which includes the peer-to-peer platform (Windows, Mac, and Linux), presence management, optimized synchronization, web-hosted architecture, support for industry-specific templates, and a proprietary customization tool. The product is developed in Java on top of open-source software components like JXTA initiated by Sun Microsystems and Eclipse by The Eclipse Foundation.