adj. unaffected by strong emotion or prejudice; "a journalist should be a dispassionate reporter of fact" [syn: dispassionate]
Usage examples of "cold-eyed".
Sleeping with a cold-eyed man who could blow out another man's brains with nerveless hands was .
Sleeping with a cold-eyed man who could blow out another man’.
He had fair, sleeked-back hair, a thin line of a mustache, and that cold-eyed, dispassionate look that seemed to go with factotums of enforcement bureaucracies everywhere.
Directly behind him walked his suit technician, a cold-eyed fuss-budget connected by swaying telephone wire to the radio headset in Austin's helmet.
Whilst we were still thus engaged, our friend the captain of the guard presented himself, and with many obeisances signified that we were to follow him, which we did, not without doubts and heart-searchings -- for we guessed that the time had come when we should have to settle the bill for those confounded hippopotami with our cold-eyed friend Agon, the High Priest.
Another man sat at the corner of the desk in a blue leather chair, a cold-eyed hatchet-faced man, as lean as a rake and as hard as the manager of a loan office.
No private clubs and restaurants here, just paint-peeling doors and fly-specked windows, guttering neon signs with half the lettering burnt out, and sloe-eyed cold-eyed daughters of the twilight on every corner, selling their shop-soiled wares.