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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Cold sore

Cold \Cold\, n.

  1. The relative absence of heat or warmth.

  2. The sensation produced by the escape of heat; chilliness or chillness.

    When she saw her lord prepared to part, A deadly cold ran shivering to her heart.

  3. (Med.) A morbid state of the animal system produced by exposure to cold or dampness; a catarrh.

    Cold sore (Med.), a vesicular eruption appearing about the mouth as the result of a cold, or in the course of any disease attended with fever.

    To leave one out in the cold, to overlook or neglect him.

cold sore

n. A small bump on the lips resulting from infection by the herpes virus.

cold sore

n. caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) [syn: oral herpes, herpes labialis, fever blister]

Usage examples of "cold sore".

Surrounded by cough medicine and cold sore ointment, he started playing a “.

The woman puBed at her lip again, worrying at a cold sore that was trying to scab over.