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cold chisels

n. (cold chisel English)

Usage examples of "cold chisels".

He rifled through the jeep's toolbox recklessly, finally extracting a well-cased set of calipers from the collection of center punches, cold chisels, and wrenches.

All of his teeth feel as though they have been crisply sheared off at the gumline with cold chisels.

He and Chahda hurried below decks and came up with cold chisels and heavy hammers.

Heavy hammers and cold chisels in the hands of two blacksmiths from the Arsenal began making short work of the locks.

But most of the work is being done with hammers and cold chisels, which radiate appalling noise across the flat echoing water.

It let out a sound like a thousand starving cats feasting on a just-discovered whale or a hundred cold chisels being scraped with force and determination across an equal number of blackboards.

I have some notion of an improved blast, blowing on bones soaked in oil, and of weighing one of the carronades and fashioning an anvil and a couple of sledges out of it - cold chisels and files can do wonders, with patience.

And in any case, clattering away with picks and cold chisels would be offensive to the others having their rest.