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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Coin \Coin\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Coined (koind); p. pr. & vb. n. Coining.]

  1. To make of a definite fineness, and convert into coins, as a mass of metal; to mint; to manufacture; as, to coin silver dollars; to coin a medal.

  2. To make or fabricate; to invent; to originate; as, to coin a word.

    Some tale, some new pretense, he daily coined, To soothe his sister and delude her mind.

  3. To acquire rapidly, as money; to make.

    Tenants cannot coin rent just at quarter day.


vb. (en-past of: coin)

Usage examples of "coined".

Mint, and to make each newly coined guinea identical to the last, some variation in weights persists.

It might have been taken across wastes by caravans, forged into pagan funeral-masks, plundered from fallen citadels, buried in secret hoards, dug up by thieves, seized by pirates, made into jewels, and coined into specie of diverse realms.

Isaac has found ways to reduce the profit that the Goldsmiths reap when they deliver bullion to the Mint to be coined, and they have retaliated by crafting new trial plates of such fineness that Isaac has been hard pressed to mint guineas pure enough.