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n. (plural of cognition English)

Usage examples of "cognitions".

Monological and empiric-analytic modes use an enormous amount of interior, conceptual, a priori cognitions, but eventually this approach ties all of them to the immediacy of externally perceived exteriors.

As noted earlier, when introspection was engineered so as to conform as closely as possible to extraspective, scientific observation, it could no longer be used to inquire into any but the most primitive of human cognitions, while the higher functions of thought and feeling were ignored.

Thus, subtle excitation must entail successive moments of cognition of the meditative object briefly interrupted by cognitions of other objects.

While there are valid and invalid cognitions, there are no valid and invalid brain states, any more than there are meaningful and meaningless brain states.

Each higher fulcrum is an emergent that brings new capacitates, new desires, new cognitions, new motivations, and new pathologies that cannot be reduced to, or explained by, the birth fulcrum.

Buddha and show you that, unless you have developed the requisite cognitions that will allow you to resonate with the signifier whose referent exists only in the spiritual worldspace and whose signified exists only in the interior heart of those who have awakened to that space.

But I can't run around and find Buddha and show you that, unless you have developed the requisite cognitions that will allow you to resonate with the signifier whose referent exists only in the spiritual worldspace and whose signified exists only in the interior heart of those who have awakened to that space.