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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Archimedes stroked his beard and retired to cogitate.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cogitate \Cog"i*tate\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Cogitated; p. pr. & vb. n. Cogitating.] [L. cogitatus, p. p. of cogitare to reflect upon, prob. fr. co- + the root of aio I say; hence, prop., to discuss with one's self. Cf. Adage.] To engage in continuous thought; to think.

He that calleth a thing into his mind, whether by impression or recordation, cogitateth and considereth, and he that employeth the faculty of his fancy also cogitateth.


Cogitate \Cog"i*tate\, v. t. To think over; to plan.

He . . . is our witness, how we both day and night, revolving in our minds, did cogitate nothing more than how to satisfy the parts of a good pastor.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 16c., from Latin cogitatus, past participle of cogitare "to think" (see cogitation). Related: Cogitated; cogitating.


vb. 1 (context intransitive English) To meditate, to ponder, to think deeply. 2 (context transitive English) To consider, to devise.

  1. v. consider carefully and deeply; reflect upon; turn over in one's mind

  2. use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments; "I've been thinking all day and getting nowhere" [syn: think, cerebrate]

Usage examples of "cogitate".

When I wish to cogitate, want drives me out of the sanctuary where my mind has its being.

When Zanni got up, he scratched his head and ponderously cogitated, then smiled slyly.

She cogitated and pondered and considered and thought about it until her skull began to overheat, and finally decided that she would simply ask for her fortune.

I had been cogitating a long while to find out how to get rid of these fellows, when at last I determined that I would go on shore with the captain, and propose a plan to the governor.

After dinner she left me, and went with her two men on her farming avocations, and I was for a long while cogitating on what had passed.

During two hours I cogitated over considerations, some true, some false, which were all prefaced by an if.

But hi any case, on the particular morning now in question, Bernabe's eyes boinged open as usual, and he stared at the ceiling for ten minutes cogitating about useless things.

On the way home he cogitated upon it and two points challenged his intelligence with renewed insistence: the ghost showed itself only on Friday, and then only to "Greasers.

Upon the occasion of their hilarious visit to the Big Bend they had observed that a faint trail led to the crack and had cogitated deeply upon this fact.

Berry had not cogitated long ere she pronounced distinctly and without a shadow of dubiosity: "My opinion is--married or not married, and wheresomever he pick her up--she's nothin' more nor less than a Bella Donna!

Richard, perched on the table's edge, swung his shapely legs idly backwards and forwards and cogitated upon a pretext to call for a morning draught of last October's ale.

He could hear a clicking sound made by cogitating gum, in the background at the other end of the line, as the nonparticipating Gert brought her head down within range.

Refusing to dissipate, it impaired her ability to cogently cogitate, robbed her of relaxation time, and had started to affect her even when she slept.

But some time, as sure as shooting, in cogitating proudfully over it, you would come to an abrupt realization that that idea had been oozed into your brain by Colonel House in the course of conversation.