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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Coffinless \Cof"fin*less\, a. Having no coffin.


a. Without a coffin.

Usage examples of "coffinless".

At moments the fitful rays fall upon bearers carrying a coffinless body rolled in a blanket, with a military cloak roughly thrown over by way of pall.

I passed a spot, to which several Turks brought a coffinless corpse, and laid it on the grass while they silently dug a grave to receive it.

Stacked in coffinless indignity in the hold by their pitiful shipmates?

Borsfa Durd was buried coffinless in a chunk of mulch, which ended the fuel-and-food supply for the runaway motorcycles and their keepers.

Are not convicted murderers buried coffinless and in quick-lime after the hanging?

At moments the fitful rays fall upon bearers carrying a coffinless body rolled in a blanket, with a military cloak roughly thrown over by way of pall.

I passed a spot, to which several Turks brought a coffinless corpse, and laid it on the grass while they silently dug a grave to receive it.