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Coelorachis is a genus of plants in the grass family, widespread across much of Asia, Africa, Australia and the Americas.

Coelorhachis is treated by some sources as part of the genus Mnesithea, so the following species can generally be found under that name in those listings.

  1. Coelorachis afraurita (Stapf) Stapf - tropical Africa
  2. Coelorachis aurita (Steud.) A.Camus - tropical America from Chiapas + Trinidad to Paraguay
  3. Coelorachis balansae (Hack.) A.Camus - Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay
  4. Coelorachis cancellata (Ridl.) Bor - Bangka, Pen Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam
  5. Coelorachis capensis Stapf - Cape Province, KwaZulu-Natal
  6. Coelorachis clarkei (Hack.) Blatt. & McCann - India, Myanmar
  7. Coelorachis cylindrica (Michx.) Nash - southeastern + south-central USA
  8. Coelorachis geminata (Hack.) Clayton - Pen Malaysia, Thailand, Kalimantan
  9. Coelorachis glandulosa (Trin.) Stapf ex Ridl. - Southeast Asia, New Guinea, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
  10. Coelorachis helferi (Hook.f.) Henrard - Pen Malaysia, Indochina
  11. Coelorachis impressa (Griseb.) Nash - Cuba
  12. Coelorachis khasiana (Hack.) Stapf ex Bor - Yunnan, Sikkim, Bhutan, Arunachal Pradesh, Myanmar
  13. Coelorachis lepidura Stapf - Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique
  14. Coelorachis parodiana Henrard - Paraguay, Argentina
  15. Coelorachis ramosa (E.Fourn.) Nash - tropical America from Veracruz to southern Brazil
  16. Coelorachis rottboellioides (R.Br.) A.Camus - Australia, New Guinea, Philippines, Lesser Sunda Islands
  17. Coelorachis rugosa (Nutt.) Nash - Cuba; USA from Texas to New Jersey
  18. Coelorachis selloana (Hack.) A.Camus - Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay
  19. Coelorachis striata (Steud.) A.Camus - Yunnan, Indochina, eastern Himalayas
  20. Coelorachis tessellata (Steud.) Nash - USA ( Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi)
  21. Coelorachis tuberculosa (Nash) Nash - Cuba; USA ( Alabama, Florida, Georgia)
formerly included

see Eremochloa Hemarthria Lasiurus Mnesithea Phacelurus Rhytachne Rottboellia