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n. (plural of coefficient English)

Coefficients (dining club)

''' The Coefficients ''' was a monthly dining club founded in 1902 by the Fabian campaigners Sidney and Beatrice Webb as a forum for British socialist reformers and imperialists of the Edwardian era. The name of the dining club was a reflection of the group's focus on "efficiency".

Usage examples of "coefficients".

Some of the reaction coefficients are highly dependent on the concentrations and distributions of certain microchemical agencies.

Lagrange surfaces and expansion coefficients all we can really do is guess.

I made some of the coefficients large so that they were hard to solve.

The coefficients indicated in red are modifiers that would be fixed for a given species, but the dominant factors are the general ones shown in green.

Stig's indifferent to what he chops down, knowing he can fell anything with that Swedish Bit and custom Handle, a Hickory or an Alder, an Oak or a Peach, it matters little to Stig, the Equations are the same but for the Arboreal Coefficients, Details of importance to a Beaver are absorb'd in a single brutal downswing, after which, all is over.