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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Coeducation \Co*ed`u*ca"tion\ (?; 135), n. An educating together, of different sexes or races; -- now used almost exclusively in reference to the education males and females together. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC] -- Co*ed`u*ca"tion*al, a.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

also co-educational, 1881, from co-education (1852), from co- + education.


a. of or pertaining to coeducation


adj. attended by members of both sexes [syn: co-ed]

Usage examples of "coeducational".

Nevertheless, to-day as then, in the coeducational institution she is more consciously on her mettle than the man.

Vanessa is sixteen and attending a private coeducational school in Blantyre where the focus is on a cheerful learning atmosphere and where the students are encouraged to express themselves artistically.

The second is to announce that the College will become a coeducational institution from the beginning of the forthcoming academic year.

Headmaster of Wymondham College a coeducational state boarding and day school at least until the end of term.

This coeducational boarding school, trying particularly to attract pupils from the public elementary school and to combine secondary education with practical training for country life, was probably the most important and interesting scheme Lady Warwick ever started.

I have been fortunate enough to secure the services of an able and distinguished lady whose qualifications happen to be a good deal higher than those required for the post, but who is anxious to obtain a first-hand impression of a coeducational day-school of an advanced modern type.

After a few minutes of this coeducational wrestling they decided almost without effort to return to the original routine of kissing.

Shall he go to Harvard alone, or shall he go to coeducational California with the hope that Martha will follow him?

The women in the separate colleges of the East have the worst record in this respect, but that of the women graduates of some of the coeducational schools leaves much to be desired.

In a study of the graduates of Syracuse University, one of the oldest coeducational colleges of the eastern United States, H.

The coeducational colleges of the west are already turning away from the old single curriculum and are providing for the election of more differentiated courses for women.

Thus their schools were coeducational, which was uncommon at the time.

This was the magic and mystery of a locker room, steam room, massage table, or of a coeducational volleyball game in a nudist colony.