The Codice (Conseil pour la Diffusion de la Culture Economique, Council for the Development of Economic Literacy in English) is an independent authority that was created in 2006 at the initiative of the Minister of Economic Affairs, Industry and Employment of France, in order to give answers to the democratic issue of economic literacy. Christine Lagarde, the current French Minister of Economy, extended the Codice’s mission in 2008. The Codice is in charge of formulating propositions on simple and concrete actions for economic literacy.
Usage examples of "codice".
The Project Gutenberg eBook of Aids to the Study of the Maya Codices, by Prof.
Aids to the Study of the Maya Codices, by Cyrus Thomas This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever.
American paleography a brief explanation of some discoveries, made in regard to certain Maya codices, which are not mentioned in my previous papers relating to these aboriginal manuscripts.
Accepting this as true, it will be admitted that every real discovery in regard to the general signification or tenor of any of these codices, or of any of their symbols, characters, or figures, or even in reference to their proper order or relation to one another, will be one step gained toward the final interpretation.
Fleischer, in his Catalogue of Oriental Manuscript Codices in the Royal Library of Dresden, p.
This will also be found true in regard to all the series of this type in this and the other codices where the copy is correct.
Found in all of the codices and explained in the preceding portion of this paper.
This symbol is found in the Dresden and Troano Codices, but most frequently in the former.
Even the two forms here given, both of which are found in all the codices and often together, present variations too marked for us to believe, except upon strong evidence, that they represent the same thing.
Mexican codices, as on Plate 73 of the Borgian manuscript, where the relation to death and to the underworld is too apparent to be mistaken.
In her time as a scholar, which was as long as the codices had been kept on the Isle of Senana, she had come across a variety of materials, from triangular oak rods to the most delicate rice parchment.
Those codices represented an order that had taken her folk and returned nothing, ignored her and then killed those she loved.
That was something else they had learned from those codices of theirs.
In the ancient codices, martial forces were pictured giving fealty to their leaders with such gestures.
You went to the scholars to learn the great truths the codices would reveal.