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n. (plural of codger English)


Codgers is a 2006 stage play by Don Reid that was later turned into a 2011 comedy film of the same name by Wayne Harrison. The play won a 2006 Rodney Seaborn Playwright's Award and toured nationally in 2010.

Reid created a companion play for Codgers entitled Biddies, which released in 2012.

Usage examples of "codgers".

I'll tell you, Quinlan, it don't seem to matter how horny she gets and how much she sticks her bosom out there for the old codgers to ogle.

We have so many repeat customers now-coming in regularly from a good fifty-mile radius-that we might have to hire on some of those lazy old codgers out there playing cards around their barrel.

For some reason the codgers confuse sanctity with senility, and the dialogue consists of "goo-goo-goo," accompanied by drooling and coy little glances toward Heaven.

I politely picked up and moved a couple of codgers so Master Li and I could sit down flanking the toad.

STATE AND MAIN - INTERSECTION - DAY Morris and Spud, two codgers, are about to cross the street when they hear a beeping and stop.

Doug and the two codgers move to a table by the window where Carla, the nubile waitress, brings them coffee.

Two old codgers, Morris and Spud, and Jack sitting in the same window booth chatting.

The populace thoughtlessly responded by pouring forth a flood of babies and doddering old codgers to clutter the earth and make things tougher again by eating and not producing.

The old codgers still had the suffrage, and plenty of time to go to the polls.

And you pair of codgers,” he said to his sons, “stop pestering our defenders.