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CodeRush Classic is a refactoring and productivity plugin by DevExpress that extends native functionality of Microsoft Visual Studio|Visual Studio .NET 2003, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2013, and 2015.

CodeRush Classic provides solution-wide static code analysis (detecting errors in code at design time), and additional functionality to make it easier to correct code smells, complete code, navigate, search for symbols, highlight the structural elements of the code, format code, and generate and optimize code. CodeRush Classic includes 180 automated refactorings, and streamlines unit testing using NUnit, XUnit, MbUnit and MSTest, among other functionality.

In June 2015, DevExpress released CodeRush for Roslyn, a version of CodeRush that sits on top of Microsoft's Roslyn engine. In that same release, CodeRush was renamed to CodeRush Classic.

CodeRush Classic supports C# 5.0, VB10, ASP.NET, HTML, JavaScript, XML, and XAML.

Coderush (disambiguation)

Coderush can refer to:

  • CodeRush - Productivity add-on for Microsoft Visual Studio
  • Code Rush - 1998 documentary following the lives of a group of Netscape engineers in Silicon Valley