Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
a. (alternative spelling of co-dependent English) n. (alternative spelling of co-dependent English)
Usage examples of "codependent".
Was she macring like a codependent when she should instead be glad he was getting back on his feet emotionally?
If the non-narcissist is codependent, for instance, then the narcissist is a perfect match for him and the union will last.
The latter is a specific variant of codependent that derives gratification from a relationship with a narcissist or an Antisocial Personality Disordered partner.
And, we should carefully avoid stereotypes--not all women are codependent nor are all men afraid of women and intimacy.
Was she macring like a codependent when she should instead be glad he was getting back on his feet emotionally?
The final speaker, a very large woman with a pointed chin, announced that she was a codependent spender.
And, we should carefully avoid stereotypes--not all women are codependent nor are all men afraid of women and intimacy.
But codependents often do not recognize their responsibility for their own problems.
When codependents die, they see someone else's life flash before them!
It isn't a matter of codependents loving the other person more than detached people.
If you are a codependent and overly involved in running someone else's life, you need to withdraw and detach yourself.
In therapy, codependents are repeatedly told the Three C's: You didn't cause it.
A flood of self-help books describe ACA's variously as overly anxious and responsible, passive placaters, martyrs, apathetic, substance abusers, poor problem solvers, distrustful, out of touch with their feelings, unable to maintain relationships, codependent, shame-filled, suicidal, and so on.
Melody Beattie (1987) describes codependents as angry, controlling, preachy, blaming, hard to talk to, subtly manipulative, amorphous non-persons, and generally miserable.
The codependents of alcoholics have an organization to help them, called Al-Anon (call AA for information).