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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cockhorse \Cock"horse`\, a.

  1. Lifted up, as one is on a tall horse.

  2. Lofty in feeling; exultant; proud; upstart.

    Our painted fools and cockhorse peasantry.


Cockhorse \Cock"horse`\, n.

  1. A child's rocking-horse.

    Ride a cockhorse to Banbury cross.
    --Mother Goose.

  2. A high or tall horse. [R.]


a. 1 Lifted up, as one is on a tall horse. 2 Lofty in feeling; exultant; proud; upstart. n. 1 (context archaic English) A child's rocking horse. 2 (context obsolete English) A high or tall horse.


n. anything used as a toy horse (such as a rocking horse or one knee of an adult)

Usage examples of "cockhorse".

Here he had the felicity of seeing Lord Coleraine, Georgy a Cockhorse, prancing down Rotten Row on his mettlesome steed.