n. (plural of cockatrice English)
Usage examples of "cockatrices".
Oft has your prophet, for reward of toil, Seen nests of seeming cockatrices coil: Disowned them as the unholiest of Time, Which were his offspring, born of flame on slime.
Tears, of cockatrices shed: When the heart is vowed for freedom, Captaincy it yields to head.
The female riddle is hard to read, because it is compounded of sensations, and they rouse and appeal to the similar cockatrices in us, which either hiss back or coil upon themselves.
Oft has your prophet, for reward of toil,Seen nests of seeming cockatrices coil:Disowned them as the unholiest of Time,Which were his offspring, born of flame on slime.
XX Read that riddle, scorning pity's Tears, of cockatrices shed: When the heart is vowed for freedom, Captaincy it yields to head.