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The Collaborative International Dictionary

cockatiel \cock"a*tiel\, Cockateel \Cock"a*teel\, n. (Zo["o]l.) A small gray and white Australian parrot ( Leptolophus hollandicus, formerly Calopsitta Nov[ae]-Hollandi[ae]) with a prominent crest; the male has bright yellow cheeks and crest, but the female has only a pale yellow in the face; -- it is so called from its note.

Syn: cockateel, cockatoo parrot, Nymphicus hollandicus.


n. (archaic form of cockatiel English)


n. small gray Australian parrot with a yellow crested head [syn: cockatiel, cockatoo parrot, Nymphicus hollandicus]

Usage examples of "cockateel".

As they dropped down towards Port Jackson the number and variety of parrots, and their discordant noise, increased: cockatoos in flocks, cockateels, lories, and clouds of budgerigars.