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The Collaborative International Dictionary

coauthor \coauthor\ n. a writer who collaborates with others in writing something.

Syn: joint author.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

also co-author, from co- + author. From 1948 as a verb. Related: Coauthored; coauthoring.


n. An author who collaborates with another to write something. vb. To write something in collaboration with another author.


n. a writer who collaborates with others in writing something [syn: joint author]

Usage examples of "coauthor".

A distinguished fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, he is the author or coauthor of more than twenty books, including Cracking Cases.

Alex Jones, a former Times media reporter and coauthor of The Trust, a book about the paper.

He is the author of the bestseller Downsize This: Random Threats from an Unarmed American, and coauthor with Kathleen Glynn of Adventures in a TV Nation.

Later, he would assert that while he was a student at Swarthmore he had coauthored the first rock musical, in 1957.

The culminating example is the Dingell hearings which in 1991 led to the Nobel Laureate and Rockefeller President David Baltimore being forced to publicly withdraw a paper he had coauthored five years previously, because the forensic evidence conclusively demonstrated that the lab books on which it was based had been tampered with to give misleading data.

He and I coauthored The Trikon Deception, with Bill's firsthand experience making the novel very realistic and convincing.

However, I had also coauthored an article in the journal Foreign Affairs arguing that the pet idea of several important Republicans--creating a small army under the leadership of Ahmed Chalabi's INC and then trying to use it to overthrow Saddam--was badly misguided and would likely result in disaster.

George Woodwell, who in 1967 had coauthored a paper with EDF founder Charles Wurster on DDT residues measured at a salt marsh on the shore of Long Island, admitted that the figure published had been 13 times too high because the spot they had selected for taking soil samples just happened to be at the place where the spray trucks cleaned out their tanks.

This remarkable series is described in the book Creation of Health, coauthored by Shealy and Myss.

Although I was trained as a physicist, over the past twenty-five years I have somehow coauthored five books - all of which have "mind" in their titles.

He has also coauthored (with Andy Mangels) severalStar Trek novels, a pair of eBooks in theStarfleet Corps of Engineers series, and three novels based on theRoswell television series.

The hyper-silly disaster epic is based on a book coauthored by UFO/ black-helicopter/the-CIA-is-beaming-microwaves-into-my-teeth-fillings guru and late-night AM radio maven Art Bell.

Between 'Nam flashbacks and Freedom Rider reunions, Ellis coauthored the ground-breaking 1998 report "Jefferson Fathered Slave's Last Child.

She works in the Bay Area for the Exploratorium and coauthors one of our regular science columns (we expect to have a new column from her and Paul Doherty next month on surfing).