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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
coaching inn
Coaching may raise some students' SAT scores.
▪ The difference between the two teams is the quality of the coaching.
▪ A little tennis coaching will transform your service game.
▪ As an unhappy season has progressed, the committee agreed that coaching was the essential ingredient for lasting success.
▪ By contrast coaching is a continuous process which may be incorporated into both counselling and appraisal sessions.
▪ From the above it should be apparent that coaching is a challenge for most managers.
▪ He will be working alongside the union's director of coaching, assisting coaches and coaching coordinators through to U21 level.
▪ It is of course possible to be an effective manager without coaching but by using this skill you can achieve even better results.
▪ Porto Heli and Cannigione additionally offer catamaran coaching.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

coaching \coaching\ n. the job of a professional coach.

Syn: coaching job.


n. The act by which someone is coached. vb. (present participle of coach English)


n. the job of a professional coach [syn: coaching job]


Coaching is a form of development in which a person called a coach supports a learner or client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal. The learner is sometimes called a coachee. Occasionally, coaching may mean an informal relationship between two people, of whom one has more experience and expertise than the other and offers advice and guidance as the latter learns; but coaching differs from mentoring in focusing on specific tasks or objectives, as opposed to general goals or overall development.

Usage examples of "coaching".

I told him I was coaching and that the rest of the season would give me time to think about it.

I rolled Lilly on her side so that I could stretch out flat on my back with both my ears off the pillow, so that I could hear Iowa Bob coaching Frank upstairs.

He was going ahead with the Hotel New Hampshire, but he was teaching three classes of English and coaching track winter and spring, so he was going ahead at half-speed.

Overburdened, Krzyzewski took a leave of absence from coaching that year.

Smith and Mike Krzyzewski had written books applying their coaching secrets to business success.

Early in their coaching careers, Williams and Bunting had been colleagues at Rowan University, a Division III school in New Jersey.

He wanted to preserve the Blue Devils by coaching their opponents to success.

Krzyzewski had ended up at West Point playing for Bobby Knight, his first coaching mentor, he credited to his parents.

He had attended the small Presbyterian school just outside of Charlotte back in the late Sixties, when Lefty Driesell was coaching there and the team featured stars like Mike Maloy and Jerry Kroll.

Under the irascible coaching of Tom Izzo, they played a rough, physical style of basketball, clawing for rebounds and bodying offensive players to the extent that they could get away.

He pointed to the massive coaching stables with which the inn served the mail coaches as well as private travellers.

At a coaching inn near Maidenhead, they stopped to change horses and take a quick meal and decided to press on toward Rosebriar.

It was a busy little place where several coaching routes converged and the yard was full of horses and people, and at least two carriages being changed.

At the rate we are going we shall have to buy the coaching schedules for the whole of Britain.

She had managed, in the space of three days, to aid a pickpocket, assist in an elopement, set free a deserter and upset the whole schedule of a notable coaching company and, in the process, charm everyone with whom she came into contact, himself included.