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The Collaborative International Dictionary

co-author \co-author\ v. t.

  1. to to be an author of, together with another author or authors; to author jointly with others.

  2. to exist together at the same time.

    Syn: coexist.


v. be a co-author on (a book, a paper, etc.)

Usage examples of "co-author".

Mary Higgins Clark is the author of twent-one novels of suspence, three collections of short stories, and with her daughter, Carol Higgins Clark, co-author of two Christmas novellas.

JOE Musser has authored or co-authored nearly forty books and more than twenty screenplays.

Most tenured researchers like him treat their grad students and post-docs as so much unpaid labor, to be rewarded with co-author status on a paper along with the other twenty members of the team.

Pronzini is known as one of the truly great collaborators and is equally at home co-editing anthologies and co-authoring novels and even short stories.

He co-authored, with William Gibson, the critically acclaimed novel The Difference Engine.

His most recent work, co-authored with Bruce Sterling, is entitled The Difference Engine.

He is a young man who did his doctorate for me here at Grandview and who was listed among the co-authors of some of my research reports published in the NAPJ.

During the early 1980s, while still a member of the investigations team, Hiaasen began to write fiction, spending evenings and weekends co-authoring, with the late William Montalbano, three novelsthe recently reprinted Powder Burn, Trap Line, and A Death in China.

Economist Steven Levitt sets out to explore such questions, along with some of life's riddles, in Freakonomics, co-authored by Stephen J.

Without her input, I would still be moldering in slush piles, and she really ought to be listed as co-author.

Nivens collaborations extend to novel-length works of fiction and include The Mote in Gods Eye, Inferno, Oath of Fealty, and Lucifers Hammer, all co-authored with Jerry Pournelle, and the Dream Park series, written with Steve Barnes.