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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Clutch \Clutch\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Clutched (kl[u^]cht); p. pr. & vb. n. Clutching.] [OE. clucchen. See Clutch, n.]

  1. To seize, clasp, or grip with the hand, hands, or claws; -- often figuratively; as, to clutch power.

    A man may set the poles together in his head, and clutch the whole globe at one intellectual grasp.

    Is this a dagger which I see before me . . . ? Come, let me clutch thee.

  2. To close tightly; to clinch.

    Not that I have the power to clutch my hand.


n. The act of one who clutches. vb. (present participle of clutch English)

Usage examples of "clutching".

Whoever the master criminal of the Clutching Hand might have been he had seen fit to employ Limpy but had not taken the precaution of getting rid of him soon enough when he was through.

It was that which gave him his name in the underworld—the Clutching Hand.

His chagrin at finding them to be blank paper found only one expression of foiled fury—that menacing clutching hand!

Early though it was, we found Elaine, a trifle paler but more lovely than ever, and Perry Bennett themselves vainly endeavoring to solve the mystery of the Clutching Hand.

A tap at the door and the Clutching Hand, that night, must have beckoned him.

A moment's parley and they separated— Clutching Hand going back to Elaine, who was now under the influence of the second drug.

Martin," cried Kennedy, kicking the precious burlap bag with his foot as if it had been so much ordinary merchandise, and turning toward what was in his mind the most important thing at stake—the direction taken by the agents of the Clutching Hand.

If Craig had only been able to see, he would have found out that, with his back toward the taxicab driver, the hobo held one hand behind him and made the sign of the Clutching Hand, glancing surreptitiously at the driver to catch the answering sign, while Craig gazed earnestly up the two roads.

Instead, he was studying the marks made by the tire of the Clutching Hand cab.

But the taxicab driver and the rough faced fellow had reassured them with the sign of the Clutching Hand, and the revolvers were lowered.

Jameson and I must be back on the job before this Clutching Hand gets busy again," he replied reluctantly.

No sooner had she gone than the Clutching Hand came out from behind the curtains.

Then, in the general confusion, Clutching Hand slowly disappeared, foiled.

As they walked down the street, Clutching Hand turned and gazed after them.

But he obeyed, entering Elaine's room after the Clutching Hand, who locked the door.