Cluff was a BBC TV detective television series set in the fictional town of Gunnershaw in the Yorkshire Dales. Based on the eponymous novels by Gil North, it featured Leslie Sands in the title role as Sergeant Caleb Cluff, and ran for two series between 1964-1965.
The entire first series including the pilot is missing from the BBC archives, but the second series has survived.
Usage examples of "cluff".
It was Cluff Drybannock, crossing over from the boat-size piece of white oak that formed the Withy door.
Like Cluff Drybannock an hour earlier, she left the room without a word.
Penthero Iss held his marker, and now, thanks to the keen eyes of Cluff Drybannock, Vaylo had a way to get it back.
It was a little before sunrise the next morning when Cephas Cluff, the first mate, banged on the door to say there was a sail to leeward, maybe two miles away, and that she had just hauled her wmd to cross our course.
Cephas Cluff, who was as tall as I, but broader in the beam, and important looking.
When she proved to be a brig, we bent on the pantaloons a pair belonging to Cephas Cluff, who was large in the bends and with next to no tumble-home about him and ran them up.
Jeddy and I handed down Lady Ransome, and I gave Cephas Cluff his final orders: to head for Nantes and sell the Pembroke to the Latours for one hundred francs, so she might lie safe at her French quay, and be readily repurchased when all danger of seizure was past.
I, standing close under her high sides, called softly up to the watch on deck to know whether Cephas Cluff was aboard.
Ganmiddich roundhouse with a troop of only two hundred swordsmen, Cluff Drybannock had taken to braiding his waist-length hair with rings of opal.
Discreetly, perhaps unconsciously, Cluff Drybannock was taking on the colors of the Sull.
He looked to his two brothers to gainsay Cluff Drybannock, but both men held their tongues.
He shifted his position slightly to include Cluff Drybannock in the circle.
Vaylo waited until horse and rider reached the torchlight and cobbled stone of the Dhoone greatcourt before turning to face Cluff Drybannock.
If the cousins decide to follow, Mabin can lead them off towards Jiroch, and Master Cluff will be safe on his way to Cippria.
But during the night the dream of colliding with Cluff qame again and Ira woke, whimpering with fear.