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n. (plural of clubbing English)

Usage examples of "clubbings".

On either side of the street Jennifer saw a parade of clubbings, knifings, shootings.

Jokes, insults, cuffs, clubbings, and saber-cuts, -- the members of the club "who agreed to come unarmed" being dispersed, while several are knocked down, dragged by the hair, and a dozen or fifteen more are wounded.

She knew noth­ing yet of wars and pestilence, of rapists and molesters, of automobile accidents and plane crashes, clubbings, cancer, poison, getting thrown out of a window.

Willard Gibbs, far more than Einstein, created the modern cosmos, and his concept of contingent or statistical reality, when cross-fertilized with the Second Law of Thermodynamics by Shannon and Wiener, led to the definition of information as the negative reciprocal of probability, making the clubbings of Jesus by Chicago cops just another of those things that happens in this kind of quantum jump.

Straightjackets, starvation, and beatings and clubbings were the wrong treatment for Jim Hall.

Besides, I'd seen him come through cuttings and shootings and clubbings like he was born to them.