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Cloyd is the anglicized form of the Welsh Clwyd, referring to the River Clwyd in northeast Wales.

It may also refer to:

Usage examples of "cloyd".

There now he liueth in eternall blis,Ioying his goddesse, and of her enioyd:Ne feareth he henceforth that foe of his,Which with his cruell tuske him deadly cloyd:For that wilde Bore, the which him once annoyd,She firmely hath emprisoned for ay,That her sweet loue his malice mote auoyd,In a strong rocky Caue, which is they say,Hewen vnderneath that Mount, that none him losen may.

With sight whereof soone cloyd, and long deludedWith idle hopes, which them doe entertaine,After I had ten yeares my selfe excludedFrom natiue home, and spent my youth in vaine,I gan my follies to my selfe to plaine,And this sweet peace, whose lacke did then appeare.

He's real keen on nature study, and damn if the Cloyds ain't nature study.

The Cloyds were sisters, Velva Mae and Venery Ann, girls with pale dirty hair and four identical sharp breasts that they might have loaned to each other, like hats, while one pair was out being blocked.