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Clowdy is an online media sharing platform that allows the sharing of film, music and photographs all in the same place. It has no upload limits and removes the common restriction of only allowing one media type on the site by encouraging quality creative content regardless of format. Clowdy is a "digital story of your song, video, photo or file". Clowdy also allows artists to tag collaborators on their creative projects, enabling all those who worked on it to receive credit. It has been described as the LinkedIn of the creative industries.

The site serves the same interface and platform for both of its users, namely artists (musicians, artists, photographers, animators), allowing for publishing and consuming content. Clowdy users have the ability to Re-Clowd films, music or photos that they find interesting. They also can follow other users of the site and this forms the backbone of the sharing element of the site. Each user will see a different 'Home' page dependent upon who they are following. The site is free of advertisements.

It offered beta access in April 2013 under an invite only basis, but went fully live in August of that year. Clowdy's office is located in Manchester's Northern Quarter.

Clowdy also have an app for Apple IOS users and an app for android.

In March 2014, Clowdy launched a short film contest for UK students, called Clowdy Shorts. The winner was announced as University of Portsmouth's Dan Rogers.

In July 2014, Clowdy was voted as Winner of the UK Creative Business Cup.

Clowdy launched a new Tagging feature in October 2014. This enabled users to tag contributors to a project, thus giving them credit for their contribution in a film, song or project. In January 2016, Clowdy rebranded to Twine.