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CloverETL is a Java-based data integration ETL platform for rapid development and automation of data transformations, data cleansing, data migration and distribution of data into applications, databases, cloud and data warehouses. The product family starts with an open source runtime engine and limited Community edition of visual data transformation Designer. CloverETL's commercial offerings include a fully featured Designer and Server and Cluster platforms. The Server adds automation and workflow orchestration, allowing users to deploy fully automated production environments, with the possibility to scale to a cluster for added performance and robustness. Its goal is to be flexible and light-footed, so that it can be customized and embedded into third party applications. The open source and commercial products are developed and supported by Javlin, a data integration software and solutions provider.

Javlin's offices are located in the Washington DC area; London, UK; Frankfurt, Germany and Prague, Czech Republic and serve customers all over the world. With approximately 60 employees, Javlin serves more than 3,000 customers, including five OEM partners. Parts of the CloverETL platform – the Engine, Designer, and Server – can be embedded on an OEM basis.

Customers include Oracle, Initiate Systems/IBM, Comcast, SUNY, and other Fortune 500 companies.