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n. a work of art or other image depicting sky and clouds


Cloudscape may refer to:

  • Cloudscape (art), a depiction of clouds or sky
  • Cloudscape (band), a progressive metal band from Sweden
    • Cloudscape (album), Cloudscape's self-titled debut album
  • Cloudscape photography, a photographic view of clouds or sky
  • Apache Derby, a relational database management system, previously marketed as Cloudscape
Cloudscape (art)

In art, a cloudscape is the depiction of a view of clouds or the sky. Usually, as in the examples seen here, the clouds are depicted as viewed from the earth, often including just enough of a landscape to suggest scale, orientation, weather conditions, and distance (through the application of the technique of aerial perspective). The terms cloudscape and skyscape are sometimes used interchangeably, although a skyscape does not necessarily include a view of clouds.

A highly complex cloudscape—as in some works of J. M. W. Turner, for example—within an otherwise conventional landscape painting, can sometimes seem like an abstract painting-within-a-painting, nearly obliterating the realistic setting with a grand display of gestural force. Some critics have explicitly cited 19th century cloudscapes and seascapes as precursors of the work of abstract expressionist artists such as Helen Frankenthaler.

Thus, commenting on a 1999 Turner exhibition, New York Times art critic Roberta Smith writes that, in 1966, "the Museum of Modern Art established the artist's lush late works ... as precursors of both Impressionism and modernist abstraction. The current show is a feast of Frankenthaleresque plumes of color....". Smith further observes that such works "conflate extremes of sea and sky with extremes of painting, showing both to contain elements of the unfathomable and the unknown."

There are some later cloudscape paintings - for example, the famous cloudscapes of Georgia O'Keeffe - in which the clouds are seen from above, as though viewed from an airplane.

According to an essay at the website of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, "Among the most dramatic and well-known images of O'Keeffe's later years are her cloudscapes of the 1960s and '70s. Traveling around the world, she was exhilarated by the views seen from an airplane window." 1 Below, in the "external links" section, is a link to a color image of O'Keeffe's gigantic cloudscape entitled "Sky Above Clouds IV" ( 1965; oil on canvas; 8 x 24 ft.; Art Institute of Chicago). Such "airborne-view" cloudscapes are in a sense aerial landscapes, except that typically there is no view of the land at all: only white clouds, suspended in (and even below) blue sky.

Cloudscape (band)

Cloudscape is a melodic metal band from Helsingborg, Sweden. They have performed live at festivals such as ProgPower Europe, Sweden Rock Festival, ProgPower UK, and Bloodstock Open Air and in 2014 they did a 3½ week long European Tour. , Cloudscape have released four full-length albums, six music videos and a limited "Best Of" album (2014).

Cloudscape (album)

Cloudscape is the self-titled debut album by Swedish progressive metal band Cloudscape, released through Metal Heaven in 2004. Guitarplayer Torben Enevoldsen (Section A, Fate) guests on guitarsolo on the outro of the openingtrack As The Light Leads The Way.

Usage examples of "cloudscape".

Dust, held so long in equilibrium, exploited its liberation to squall in microburst vortices around the solid imperturbable boulders and jagged icebergs which made up the bulk of the ring, their gyrations mirroring the rowdy cloudscape a hundred and seventy thousand kilometres below.

That eerie phosphorescent cloudscape lost cohesion, filming over with watery streaks of alien colour.

Its curvature was flattening out, edges merging with distance, cloudscape expanding into an unending plane.

Maybury panned slowly across the cloudscape till she came to the edge of space.

I remembered the feeling from Sharya, like riding a slightly concave tray, a tongue of steel or maybe a magic carpet, across the cloudscape below.

Then, while the color television flashes and rumbles in the background, they sprawl about the sitting room in nighties and dressing gowns, angelically aglow in the penthouse cloudscape, sipping coffee from French-style bowls and talking about their respective nights out.

One of the biological factories showed against white cloudscape to nice effect, in view of a floating camera.

Thunderstorms came frequently out of the east, enormous cloudscapes with hearts of livid magenta and glaucous green.

Silence over a great scattered cloudscape, castles and billows of silver under a huge cool moon.

They carry the Discworld, with its vast lands, cloudscapes, and oceans.

Death saw ocean currents, deserts, forests, drifting cloudscapes like albino buffalo herds .

Soon after, the image rolled violently again, the land and the cloudscapes whirling wildly.

In truth, it was the humans who met in conference, while Nemes and her clone sister and brother sat silently by the window looking out over the billowing cloudscapes around Otter Lake below the Shivling peak.

On the farside, when supergiant and planet were in an inferior conjunction, and the hellish red cloudscape eclipsed the nearside’s brief glimpse of the sun.

Now he would require total concentration as he lowered the Harrier's nose towards the peaceful cloudscape below, the horizontal bars on the HUD sliding upwards to show he had the aircraft in a ten degree dive.