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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cloudiness \Cloud"i*ness\, n. The state of being cloudy.


n. 1 The state of being cloudy (e.g. weather). 2 The property of being murky (e.g. liquid, style). 3 The property of being obscure (e.g. information).

  1. n. the quality of being cloudy [syn: murkiness, muddiness]

  2. the state of the sky when it is covered by clouds [syn: cloud cover, overcast]

  3. gloomy semidarkness caused by cloud cover [syn: overcast]

Usage examples of "cloudiness".

The fragrant smoke seemed to cling about him, to make a cloudiness close about his form.

I saw him clearly now, yet not clearly because there was a cloudiness which clung clearly to his body.

This field is transparent, but because it must shift constantly to change and refresh the air I breathe, it causes a certain cloudiness of outline next my body.

There was the cloudiness about his form, which was maintained by a sigh he wore at his side and called a "generator.

Were that cloudiness destroyed, he could not live, or so he had told me.

When the parchment struck earth, there was an instant's cloudiness as if some dread thing had begun to form.

But he went on, and touched his side again and the cloudiness returned and he walked more strongly.

Regarded more closely, its internal cloudiness seemed to suggest some definite but rudimentary shape that she couldn't quite make out.

Each stone's internal cloudiness had been freed by nature to take its natural form so that she seemed to stand in a ring of tall, narrow heads, their chins sunk in the ground.

It would carry a little vial of nutrient organic matter to Mars, arrange for a sample of Martian soil to be mixed in with it, and observe the changing turbidity or cloudiness of liquid as the Martian bugs (if there were any) grew (if they would).

The high oceanic temperatures will release more water vapor into the air, increasing cloudiness, shielding the Earth from sunlight and delaying the end a little.

There was only a cloudiness that might under ordinary circumstances have been taken for a temporary blurring of vision, a little water in the eyes.

And simultaneously with the cloudiness there came a strange unearthly smell and a slight sensation that the world was tilting.

Now the planet has become a world of almost incessant cloudiness and frequent rains--or snows when it's cold enough.

I don't know about chicken hearts, but some brewers use seaweed extract as a foam stabilizer, and some wine makers use fish glue to prevent cloudiness.