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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Clothespress \Clothes"press`\, n. A receptacle for clothes.


n. A receptacle for clothes.


n. a closet where clothes are stored [syn: clothes closet]

Usage examples of "clothespress".

Breath now quickening, Eliste hurried to the huge old clothespress, threw open the door, knelt to rummage within, and dragged forth a dusty valise.

She choked back her hiccupping sobs and raced to the door then back to the clothespress to get her cloak.

A bed, a washstand, and a clothespress filled most of the available floor space.

At one point, they both reached for the doorknob of the clothespress at the same time.

He put the pillowcase on the table, walked to the clothespress, and picked up a battered carpetbag.

Feeling through the darkness into the upper drawer in the clothespress, he found the sock with a roll of bills stuffed in the toe.

The clothespress held not only his clothing but more cartons of souvenirs.

While his squire, Bruno, pulled off the boots and turned them over to a waiting slave to be cleaned and repolished, then fetched the other pair of everyday boots from the clothespress, Don Guillermo was thinking.

A row of pegs ran down both walls of the room, and a narrow clothespress stood beside the door.

He took his dark suit out of the clothespress and laid it over the back of a chair, and he put a white shirt and a black tie on the seat of the chair.

Near an enormous clothespress she saw a narrow staircase leading downstairs, probably the staircase that was original to the dwelling, before the more impressive entrance hall was added.

She began handing her gowns to the girl, who placed them into the clothespress, taking great care to spread each gown perfectly flat.

There was no blood in the room except what had leaked out of the clothespress, and the room showed no signs of having been the scene of a struggle.

The secret well head was concealed under the clothespress at the foot of her bed.

He threw my clothing back into the clothespress as fast as I folded them into the traveling chest.