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close to

adv. 1 (context of quantifiers of nouns English) approximately 2 (context informal English) nearly; almost prep. near#Prepostion.

close to

adv. (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct; "lasted approximately an hour"; "in just about a minute"; "he's about 30 years old"; "I've had about all I can stand"; "we meet about once a month"; "some forty people came"; "weighs around a hundred pounds"; "roughly $3,000"; "holds 3 gallons, more or less"; "20 or so people were at the party" [syn: approximately, about, just about, some, roughly, more or less, around, or so]

Usage examples of "close to".

Madeline Gray and her father sat side by side on a divan close to the door.

Where they had gone, Tremane had no firm answer, but he had some guesses and one of them was probably very close to being correct.

Thin and dark, he looked like a schoolboy, although Tremane knew his real age was close to thirty.

She listened with interest, as she nursed her bandaged and splinted wrist close to her body.

It tingled with the energy of the demon, and because Drizzt had it on him and was standing so close, Errtu, too, remained close to Wulfgar.

As he examined those feelings, he came to recognize that Dondon Tiggerwillies had been about as close to a friend as Artemis Entreri had ever known.

I ventured to Blingdenstone, city of the deep gnomes, and could have made that my home, perhaps, except that staying there, so close to the city of drow, would have surely brought ruin upon those folk.

Growling and trembling, as close to the very edge of control as he had ever been, Drizzt held the blade back.

Then she leaned close to the screen, smelling its metal and all the wet summer straining through its mesh.

Anyway, Herbie puts his face close to Seth's so that Seth has to look at him & then talks in a low, kind voice.

There was something in the piolence of his headshaking that was close to horror.

He carried her upstairs and put her in her bed, and then he went across to his own room and took off most of his clothes and lay down on the bed with his automatic tucked under the edge of the mattress close to his right hand, and switched off the lights.

She pressed close to him as they went up the steps, in an easy and spontaneous intimacy.

But if he had really been hiding Madeline Gray in New York, the Ungodly would naturally expect him to stay close to her.

I wanted to murder Imberline, and I found out he was staying here and what room he was in, and I made quite a little fuss about getting a room as close to him as I could.