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a. Having the characteristics of clinker.

Usage examples of "clinkery".

Streams of once molten rock solidified into clinkery masses—fat, rounded, and branched like monstrous roots where they had flowed out from the central mineworkings into the streets and arcades of the devastated city.

He followed the cable, not hauling himself along it but gripping the clinkery rock with his fingers and moving as though climbing without effort.

Ten meters away from the faceplate, in a direction I refused to think of as "down," was the surface of the asteroid -- the nightside, at the moment, its clinkery detail faintly visible in the dim light from my suit.

Krondak domi­cilia are great big clinkery black things made out of lava, like a dark coral reef, with holes in the rock for the family dwelling units.

The place was completely surrounded by black and steaming lava, now sheathed in a clinkery skin of cooled rock except where cracks revealed the red glowing interior.