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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Clinical instruction

Clinical \Clin"ic*al\ (kl[i^]n"[i^]k*al), Clinic \Clin"ic\ (kl[i^]n"[i^]k), a. [Gr. kliniko`s, fr. kli`nh bed, fr. kli`nein to lean, recline: cf. F. clinique. See Lean, v. i.]

  1. Of or pertaining to a bed, especially, a sick bed.

  2. Of or pertaining to a clinic, or to the study of disease in the living subject.

    Clinical baptism, baptism administered to a person on a sick bed.

    Clinical instruction, instruction by means of clinics.

    Clinical lecture (Med.), a discourse upon medical topics illustrated by the exhibition and examination of living patients.

    Clinical medicine, Clinical surgery, that part of medicine or surgery which is occupied with the investigation of disease in the living subject.

Usage examples of "clinical instruction".

Wilmer had helped establish the eye institute in Riyadh, and Bernie had stayed five months to do some clinical instruction.