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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cling \Cling\ (kl[i^]ng), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Clung (kl[u^]ng), Clong (kl[o^]ng), Obs.); p. pr. & vb. n. Clinging.] [AS. clingan to adhere, to wither; akin to Dan. klynge to cluster, crowd. Cf. Clump.] To adhere closely; to stick; to hold fast, especially by twining round or embracing; as, the tendril of a vine clings to its support; -- usually followed by to or together.

And what hath life for thee That thou shouldst cling to it thus?
--Mrs. Hemans.


n. The act of one who clings. vb. (present participle of cling English)

Usage examples of "clinging".

It found Charles still clinging to the remains of poor Aloysia, and bathing with kisses and tears the stiffened features of her beloved sister.

Wherever the Mafia had grown and prospered since Prohibition, these other savages were there as well, ever clinging to the shadows as the more flamboyant amici filled headlines and mortuaries, lending their advice and financial acumen where it was lacking in their Mafia comrades, Siegel, Buchalter, Cohen, Lansky.

Hundreds of years ago the Anasazi had looked out on the same land, smelled the same scent of wet earth and pinon, seen the glittering beauty of sunlight captured in a billion drops of water clinging to needles and boughs and the sheer face of the cliff itself.

With the anchorman clinging and leaning to the rope like a groom, the boat bucked like an angry horse, but they moved forward, creeping past the rough stone walls toward a small and distant patch of light.

It stretched around him, gluey, clinging, membranes of goo dividing into thin strings and sagging ropes that bound him with impossible things: wild fantasies of having been captured by a dozen Yuuzhan Vong warriors who all looked like Jacen Solo, mad images of sacrifice and aliens and Jaina and that Nom Anor character.

As in other Atlantan districts of London, Feed lines had been worked into the sinews of the place, coursing through utility tunnels, clinging to the clammy undersides of bridges, and sneaking into buildings through small holes bored in the foundations.

Schreuder dragged himself across the deck, clinging to mast and shroud and backstay as each wave came aboard.

The autumn Bellwoods were beautiful to look upon, with many leaves still clinging to the trees and the ground between carpeted with umber and gold.

The forklift lurched forward, the two men carrying the RPGS clinging to the sides, as Bengazi gunned the powerful engine.

A second picture showed her emerging from the water on some Bermudan beach, a diaphanous dress clinging around the breasts and thighs.

Ascetic, crucified, with a little smile clinging to the lips and deep-set eyes, he presided, above the bluefish flames of a log fire.

Much younger than the PROFESSOR, pale, very pretty, of a Botticellian type in face, figure, and in her clinging cream-coloured frock.

Higher up, clinging to the branches of a tree, was a small tarsier with its round shiny eyes staring down at her.

Now, the Nirauan cliffs took the challenge a step farther by adding unpredictable curves and breakpoints, with varying widths and depths, jutting rocks, and clinging tree vines.

Leo rode him like a broncobuster, clinging with his knees, refusing to be thrown.