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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Click \Click\ (kl[i^]k), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Clicked (kl[i^]kt); p. pr. & vb. n. Clicking.] [Prob. an onomatopoetic word: cf. OF. cliquier. See Clack, and cf. Clink, Clique.] To make a slight, sharp noise (or a succession of such noises), as by gentle striking; to tick.

The varnished clock that clicked behind the door.


vb. (past participle of click English)

Usage examples of "clicked".

He threw his head back, giving her a blinding smile of triumph, and her built-in shutter clicked, preserving another memory.

Plac­ing the radio on the nightstand, he clicked off the flashlight and got into bed with her, pulling her down to nestle in his arms.

But then he said a few words to Grant, so quietly that she couldn't understand them, and it all clicked into place.

She pulled the lever and the pictures began whirring, then one by one clicked into place.

Holding the earpiece in place, he clicked once and immediately heard two clicks in response.

He took a laser light from his pocket, a pencil-thin tube about two inches long that, when clicked, emitted an extraordinarily bright finger of light.

There had been a lot of times when he had doggedly gone over the same file time and again, until something clicked and he saw a detail that had been there all along, but just hadn’t registered.

She had made an effort with Grace, but things still hadn’t quite clicked back into their proper places for her.

He clicked his pen and rose to his feet, indicating that he had no more questions to ask.

Faith shouted at the phone as he hung up and the answering machine clicked oif.

She hit a buzzer located under the counter, and the door clicked open.

She clicked onto the appropriate chapter, and lines of information filled the screen.

Kristian zipped the cursor to the item he wanted, clicked on it, and the screen changed again.

Appalled, Grace watched as he chose another item, clicked on it, then typed "St.

When the menu appeared on the screen, she moved the cursor down to the program she wanted and clicked the mouse.