Crossword clues for clenching
n. The act by which something (a fist, a jaw, etc.) is clenched. vb. (present participle of clench English)
Usage examples of "clenching".
My jaw ached where I was clenching it, and I forced my teeth to part when the music stopped.
Eyes closing, I sent my fingers into his hair, clenching as his kiss shifted, moving to the very edge of my collarbone where my scar started.
Black eyes slammed into me, delving into my soul and clenching until fear squeezed out to bubble up.
He groaned, clenching his jaws, as he fought the illusion's hold on his mind.
Lance asked Johnny, who was clenching and unclenching his hands on the oh-my-god bar in the bus.
I was clenching my teeth in expectation of where he'd land next when I got my orders.
Then, clenching her teeth, she made for the caterer in angry strides to assuage her unacceptable appetite.
I knew I should have stuck with cargo and not branched out into passengers but… But there is gold on that wretched ice-world,' she insisted, her fists clenching at her sides.
She forced herself to remain standing, clenching her fists at her sides as the mist crept up over her knees, so dense now, and almost substantial in its covering, that she couldn't see her boots.
There isn’t a discernible intelligence,” Pol replied, clenching and releasing his fist, surprised at his own vehemence, “much less a trace of sentience.
K'vin regarded her in astonishment and she glared at him, clenching her fists at her sides.
K'vin roared, clenching his fists at his sides because they wanted to grab something to release the pent-up fury in him.
The man had a habit of clenching his teeth after he spoke, as if chopping off his words before they could offend anyone.
He dreaded her answer, clenching his fists to bear the staggering totals.
He caught his breath, clenching his teeth and swallowing against tears.