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Cleinias , son of (the elder) Alcibiades, brother of Axiochus, and member of the Alcmaeonidae family, was an Athenian who married Deinomache, the daughter of Megacles, and became the father of the famous Alcibiades. Plutarch tells us that he traced his family line back to Eurysaces, the son of Telamonian Ajax. He greatly distinguished himself in the Battle of Artemisium in 480 BC. Cleinias died at the Battle of Coronea in 447 BC.

He is also credited with the Cleinias Decree, which involved the tightening up of the process of tribute collection in the Athenian Empire. Attributing this inscription to this particular Cleinias, the father of Alcibiades, places the decree in the early 440s, usually given as 447, as Cleinias died at the Battle of Coronea in 447.

Cleinias (disambiguation)

Cleinias (Kleinias) may refer to a number of people from ancient Greek history:

  • Members of the Alcmaeonidae family
    • Cleinias, father of the Athenian statesman and general Alcibiades
    • Cleinias, brother of Alcibiades, younger brother of the famous general
  • Cleinias, son of Axiochus; he is introduced as a very young man by Plato in the dialogue called Euthydemus
  • Cleinias of Tarentum, Pythagorean philosopher
  • Cleinias of Croton, tyrant of Croton c. 495 BC
  • Cleinias of Sicyon, magistrate of Sicyon c. 270-264 BC, father of Aratus of Sicyon.